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ВЫВОД НА В2В-РЫНОК IT-ПРОДУКТОВ: 2012, 2016, 2017 гг.
Virtual and Augmented Reality

dxFeed revolutionizes financial data analytics bringing it to a new dimension of Augmented and Virtual Reality. dxFeed Holographic Solution brings together the expertise and state-of-the-art technology from the developers of one of the best options platforms for options traders in the USA and more than 10 years' experience of our fellow traders and analysts. Our VR platform is powered by our low-latency data technology, our cloud analytics platform and our own market data infrastructure with direct connectivity to market centers all over the world.
While he may not have won the election, French Presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon was widely recognized for his recent usage of hologram technology to enable him to hold seven simultaneous rallies across France. His actual body was at a rally in the city of Dijon, while his image was projected by satellite to crowds in six other cities, including one on the island of La Reunion. Talk about multi-tasking! Indeed, with such high-profile usage, it should make us wonder: could holograms actually be on their way to a much more everyday occurrence, finally?

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